The North Valley Chapter of CWA meets the third Tuesday of the month alternating from restaurants to members’ homes. Please feel free to contact a member or email us at We are a very active group, contributing our time to our community. The great thing about CWA is you can be as active as you would like to be.


Our Chapter

Our Members & Directors

President – Angie Carpenter

Vice President – Sandy Fiack (pending)

Treasurer – Susie Sorenson

Secretary – Marissa Guerra

Adopt-A-Legislator – Open

Animals – Betsy Karle

Membership – Tonya Keyawa

Sunshine – Open

Newsletter – Sandy Fiack

Livestock Loans/Scholarships Leslie Christopher

Water – Joan Webster

Website/Ag In The Classroom/School Gardens – Carrie Vanella

State Offices from
North Valley Chapter

State Treasurer – Joan Webster

State President – Rose Tryon
